I just got back from beautiful Cabo San Lucas with my girl friend, Amanda. I know, some of you may be shocked. It happens to the best of us. I am sure everyone will find someone that makes them happy. Anyways, we had an amazing time. If you haven't heard of this site, vacationstogo.com, they have all these really sick deals on last-minute cruises that go everywhere and super cheap!
If you have never been on a cruise for a vacay, it is truly an amazing vacation experience. Right when we arrived on the boat for our 5-day trip to cabo and ensenada, we are welcomed to a full lunch buffet featuring some amazing desserts (pictured below). The price of the cruise is all-inclusive (except booze, damn) which includes all meals/snacks. So if you're partying til 4am, go grab a slice of pizza (24hrs!!!) or order as much room service as you want! it's all free!!!1
After a day at sea, we arrived in cabo where it was nearly 90 degrees! Rather than try to describe the clearest blue water I have ever seen or how beautiful the weather was, I will simply show you...
Happy holidays (but really, hannukah and xmas) everyone and get ready for some more entries hopefully.