So today is Easter Sunday and I bought my first easter basket for my lovely girlfriend Amanda. If you have already received your easter gifts, then spoil the surprise for our Jewish friends. Here is what should be in an easter basket for the next time Jesus comes back to life next April:
1 technicolor basket...preferably pink with orange or neon green (this is needed because regular everyday baskets are ugly and does not reflect the festive-ness of the season.)
Candy (any kind will do. Kids and girlfriends LOVE candy)
More candy (See above)
A personal/inside joke gift not to exceed $20 (This ensures the personal momento of Easter and that you were actually thinking of your significant other. I made sure not to forget this)
A chocolate bunny (because the woman at Ralphs told me I needed one)
Jelly Beans (same reason. lady at Ralphs)
If you want to put anything else in the basket, consult a friend or even post in the comments and I will attempt to regulate.
Happy Easter-ness and an easy passover
ps- Never buy matzah again unless it clearly states KOSHER FOR PASSOVER. I recently bought some that was NOT. bullshit.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, December 20, 2008
winter break
winter break has gone off successfully so far without a hitch. If you have not done so far, please subscribe to this blog, I want to make sure all my gnomies get updated with what's going on.
I just got back from beautiful Cabo San Lucas with my girl friend, Amanda. I know, some of you may be shocked. It happens to the best of us. I am sure everyone will find someone that makes them happy. Anyways, we had an amazing time. If you haven't heard of this site,, they have all these really sick deals on last-minute cruises that go everywhere and super cheap!
If you have never been on a cruise for a vacay, it is truly an amazing vacation experience. Right when we arrived on the boat for our 5-day trip to cabo and ensenada, we are welcomed to a full lunch buffet featuring some amazing desserts (pictured below). The price of the cruise is all-inclusive (except booze, damn) which includes all meals/snacks. So if you're partying til 4am, go grab a slice of pizza (24hrs!!!) or order as much room service as you want! it's all free!!!1

After a day at sea, we arrived in cabo where it was nearly 90 degrees! Rather than try to describe the clearest blue water I have ever seen or how beautiful the weather was, I will simply show you...

Happy holidays (but really, hannukah and xmas) everyone and get ready for some more entries hopefully.
I just got back from beautiful Cabo San Lucas with my girl friend, Amanda. I know, some of you may be shocked. It happens to the best of us. I am sure everyone will find someone that makes them happy. Anyways, we had an amazing time. If you haven't heard of this site,, they have all these really sick deals on last-minute cruises that go everywhere and super cheap!
If you have never been on a cruise for a vacay, it is truly an amazing vacation experience. Right when we arrived on the boat for our 5-day trip to cabo and ensenada, we are welcomed to a full lunch buffet featuring some amazing desserts (pictured below). The price of the cruise is all-inclusive (except booze, damn) which includes all meals/snacks. So if you're partying til 4am, go grab a slice of pizza (24hrs!!!) or order as much room service as you want! it's all free!!!1
After a day at sea, we arrived in cabo where it was nearly 90 degrees! Rather than try to describe the clearest blue water I have ever seen or how beautiful the weather was, I will simply show you...
Happy holidays (but really, hannukah and xmas) everyone and get ready for some more entries hopefully.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Only in orange county
Sorry for the rediculous amount of time between posts, but nothing has struck as eye-opening as what I am about to tell you.
The reason why I titled my entry "only in orange county" is because this type of shit would ONLY happen in the OC!
Yesterday evening, I was driving home from work in Irvine in one of the middle lanes on a moderately busy street. Cars in the right lane are stopped for some reason approaching the light. Just then, I see a car start to pull out of a gas station (the reason for the line of cars). This is not just any car. It's a fucking Rolls Royce! And who's driving this Million dollar plus automobile? Some stupid 18year old floosie! I almost thought she stalled the clutch, but realized she simply couldnt see over the wheel. So I slam on the brakes to let her pass. Good thing for her I was on a time crunch. Otherwise, I would stopped, slashed her tires, and kept on going. Who lets an 18 year old drive around in that thing?
Only in orange county...
ps- I'm moving back to SLO this weekend, so get excited.
The reason why I titled my entry "only in orange county" is because this type of shit would ONLY happen in the OC!
Yesterday evening, I was driving home from work in Irvine in one of the middle lanes on a moderately busy street. Cars in the right lane are stopped for some reason approaching the light. Just then, I see a car start to pull out of a gas station (the reason for the line of cars). This is not just any car. It's a fucking Rolls Royce! And who's driving this Million dollar plus automobile? Some stupid 18year old floosie! I almost thought she stalled the clutch, but realized she simply couldnt see over the wheel. So I slam on the brakes to let her pass. Good thing for her I was on a time crunch. Otherwise, I would stopped, slashed her tires, and kept on going. Who lets an 18 year old drive around in that thing?
Only in orange county...
ps- I'm moving back to SLO this weekend, so get excited.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
An open apology
Dear loyal readers,
I am sorry I have not written to entertain your mundane lives in the past several days. I have been much too busy to even think twice about my fans. For that, I apologize.
ps- Here is the real blog entry...
Like I said before, I havent written in a while because of several factors: Camp, the olympics, Misty May-treanor, the entire USA women's volleyball team, European handball at 4am, my new job, but mostly because of Michael Phelps, the Manchild.
Since the last post, I have picked up a new gig. Because of my exelscior work up at camp, I am now working in an office at the JCC (Jewish Community Center) in Irvine doing random odds and ends for the camp office. I am getting paid right now as I type this in fact (See, I just made 2 bucks!). I am not headed back up to slo until the 6th of September so I figure I'll make some money while I'm here. But guess what the best part is? My boss said I could make up my own title. So, as of last week, I am the JCC resident camp's first OFFICIAL marketing consultant...kinda just rolls off your tongue doesn't it?
Madden 09 comes out today and you should all pick it up because Brett Favre is on the cover sporting his TRUE colors (Green and gold). I still have to pick it up myself.
The big story here though is by far, the Olympics. I really enjoy watching them because it is absolute shut down of all mental processes by both myself (for sitting and watching) and the NBC announcers (for commenting and opening their mouth). The opening ceremonies were amazing and watching European handball still kinda tipsy at 4am was even better. The Euro handball event in addition to 2 other events are actually the three events the USA does not have a team in because WE DIDN'T QUALIFY! Imagine that, there are countries that are better than us at sports (soccer, baseball, tennis...just to name a few).
In other Adam news...I was on the radio Monday! That's right, you are now one degree away from a pseudo-celeb in this 2008 society. The LA rock station KROQ 106.7 morning show (Kevin and Bean) have this segment called "What it do nephew?" where people call in and just talk about random topics they want to talk about. They usually give you a prize for making it on the air too. So I called in to talk about how I thought that Pres. Bush really had no idea what was going on at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and was caught checking his watch at one point! The prize this week are tickets to see Katy Perry and this band called the Airborne Toxic Event at Six flags on Saturday. For those of you who don't know who Katy Perry is, she made that song everyone is singing right now, "I Kissed a girl", if you still have no idea what I'm talking it. Secretly, I'm really excited. I will post pix when I get back from the show. Should be alot of fun.
I'm headed to Chico to help my sister, Jessica, move into her new apt for school. So I will try to update ASAP. Thanks for your patience. Talk to you all soon.
-Absence rescinded
I am sorry I have not written to entertain your mundane lives in the past several days. I have been much too busy to even think twice about my fans. For that, I apologize.
ps- Here is the real blog entry...
Like I said before, I havent written in a while because of several factors: Camp, the olympics, Misty May-treanor, the entire USA women's volleyball team, European handball at 4am, my new job, but mostly because of Michael Phelps, the Manchild.
Since the last post, I have picked up a new gig. Because of my exelscior work up at camp, I am now working in an office at the JCC (Jewish Community Center) in Irvine doing random odds and ends for the camp office. I am getting paid right now as I type this in fact (See, I just made 2 bucks!). I am not headed back up to slo until the 6th of September so I figure I'll make some money while I'm here. But guess what the best part is? My boss said I could make up my own title. So, as of last week, I am the JCC resident camp's first OFFICIAL marketing consultant...kinda just rolls off your tongue doesn't it?
Madden 09 comes out today and you should all pick it up because Brett Favre is on the cover sporting his TRUE colors (Green and gold). I still have to pick it up myself.
The big story here though is by far, the Olympics. I really enjoy watching them because it is absolute shut down of all mental processes by both myself (for sitting and watching) and the NBC announcers (for commenting and opening their mouth). The opening ceremonies were amazing and watching European handball still kinda tipsy at 4am was even better. The Euro handball event in addition to 2 other events are actually the three events the USA does not have a team in because WE DIDN'T QUALIFY! Imagine that, there are countries that are better than us at sports (soccer, baseball, tennis...just to name a few).
In other Adam news...I was on the radio Monday! That's right, you are now one degree away from a pseudo-celeb in this 2008 society. The LA rock station KROQ 106.7 morning show (Kevin and Bean) have this segment called "What it do nephew?" where people call in and just talk about random topics they want to talk about. They usually give you a prize for making it on the air too. So I called in to talk about how I thought that Pres. Bush really had no idea what was going on at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and was caught checking his watch at one point! The prize this week are tickets to see Katy Perry and this band called the Airborne Toxic Event at Six flags on Saturday. For those of you who don't know who Katy Perry is, she made that song everyone is singing right now, "I Kissed a girl", if you still have no idea what I'm talking it. Secretly, I'm really excited. I will post pix when I get back from the show. Should be alot of fun.
I'm headed to Chico to help my sister, Jessica, move into her new apt for school. So I will try to update ASAP. Thanks for your patience. Talk to you all soon.
-Absence rescinded
Monday, August 4, 2008
Life after camp...
So now that I'm back from camp I find that reality is quite boring. No more "please pass the salad from last Tuesday" or "Pssst, can I go to the bathroom?" or even making fun of that one camper (or staff for that matter) that got on everyone's nerves. Reality seems quite tame I would say.
The only thing that sticks from being at camp is the way you walk, talk, and function. I cannot count the times since Friday where I have caught myself thinking about making another bracelet or laughing to myself for "missing the good times" singing songs before meals. If you sang a song to someone or tried ANY of those camp shmraditions (for you Sari, for you) people would look at you kinda awkward funny.
Life cannot get more dull when trying to decide between watching Montel or the home shopping network. The day goes by much quicker when you look forward to something. No, this does not mean you standby the tv waiting for General Hospital to end just so you can tivo All my children (awesome name drop huh?)
What I'm talking about faithful readers, is my new job. During camp, I was making conversation with the director and jokingly made a remark about hiring me for a month before I went back to school. She got back to me and found out got dem skeeeelz with marketing stuff blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda and BBBBLLLLLAAAMMMMOOOO! Adam is not in debt anymore (i think)
Really though, I just think of everything I do now and say "this is much better than minor league baseball in BFE Wyoming". And it makes me much happier.
Oh, and if you are one of the few people who haven't seen THE DARK NIGHT I suggest you go see it. It's not like it broke any records or is popular or anything like that. Here's the link to the trailer...enjoy.
The only thing that sticks from being at camp is the way you walk, talk, and function. I cannot count the times since Friday where I have caught myself thinking about making another bracelet or laughing to myself for "missing the good times" singing songs before meals. If you sang a song to someone or tried ANY of those camp shmraditions (for you Sari, for you) people would look at you kinda awkward funny.
Life cannot get more dull when trying to decide between watching Montel or the home shopping network. The day goes by much quicker when you look forward to something. No, this does not mean you standby the tv waiting for General Hospital to end just so you can tivo All my children (awesome name drop huh?)
What I'm talking about faithful readers, is my new job. During camp, I was making conversation with the director and jokingly made a remark about hiring me for a month before I went back to school. She got back to me and found out got dem skeeeelz with marketing stuff blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda and BBBBLLLLLAAAMMMMOOOO! Adam is not in debt anymore (i think)
Really though, I just think of everything I do now and say "this is much better than minor league baseball in BFE Wyoming". And it makes me much happier.
Oh, and if you are one of the few people who haven't seen THE DARK NIGHT I suggest you go see it. It's not like it broke any records or is popular or anything like that. Here's the link to the trailer...enjoy.
Monday, July 28, 2008
That's what she said...
It was kind of a bittersweet moment when 75% of the campers left on Sunday morning because some of them I actually liked. Others, however, I was very glad to see them go. You wouldn’t believe how attached these kids get to you. It’s kind of like stepping in dog poo and having the smell linger for days…even after you’ve cleaned your shoes. It’s just annoying after awhile.
So from now until Friday (which is my last day…Woo hoo!), there is pretty much a 1:1 ratio of campers to staff. This is pretty much easy street. No more scrounging around tables for seconds on crappy food, no more early wake-ups, and no more of that girl that would nag me every 5 minutes with stupid knock, knock jokes. This is truly the life. We have consolidated the cabins from 8 down to 4. It’s cool because a lot of the younger kids who didn’t have me as a counselor before really like having me as one now and it’s easier to get them to do what they’re supposed to be doing.
My friend and I have started this points game for the kids and have pretty much been assigning random amounts of points over the course of the day so hopefully one can be crowned “camper of the session”. Essentially, this is a bogus competition to get the campers excited about stuff and it’s great to see them fight over nothing. It’s awesome.
I kind of regret not updating more often because there are so many funny things that happen during the day that I sometimes (almost all the time) forget.
Tonight is my second night off. After seeing Batman and getting sushi, I really don’t know how I could top that. Here’s what the plan is so far: Get sushi, go bowling, and last but not least, get two UN-KOSHER cheeseburgers and savor every bite. Having kosher meals every day for 2 weeks straight makes you appreciate artery-clogging cholesterol filled fast food or just cheeseburgers for that matter.
Here are some pictures that I have taken…enjoy!
So from now until Friday (which is my last day…Woo hoo!), there is pretty much a 1:1 ratio of campers to staff. This is pretty much easy street. No more scrounging around tables for seconds on crappy food, no more early wake-ups, and no more of that girl that would nag me every 5 minutes with stupid knock, knock jokes. This is truly the life. We have consolidated the cabins from 8 down to 4. It’s cool because a lot of the younger kids who didn’t have me as a counselor before really like having me as one now and it’s easier to get them to do what they’re supposed to be doing.
My friend and I have started this points game for the kids and have pretty much been assigning random amounts of points over the course of the day so hopefully one can be crowned “camper of the session”. Essentially, this is a bogus competition to get the campers excited about stuff and it’s great to see them fight over nothing. It’s awesome.
I kind of regret not updating more often because there are so many funny things that happen during the day that I sometimes (almost all the time) forget.
Tonight is my second night off. After seeing Batman and getting sushi, I really don’t know how I could top that. Here’s what the plan is so far: Get sushi, go bowling, and last but not least, get two UN-KOSHER cheeseburgers and savor every bite. Having kosher meals every day for 2 weeks straight makes you appreciate artery-clogging cholesterol filled fast food or just cheeseburgers for that matter.
Here are some pictures that I have taken…enjoy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rated NCA: Not Camp Appropriate...maybe?
After an entire week of working I finally got a day off Sunday night. Having 7 hours to yourself after being with 4th to 8th graders 24/7 is AMAZING! On the other hand, our night off was spent in the butthole of SoCal known as Redlands. Well, it wasn’t all that bad. We went to some hole in the wall sushi place which was so tasty after having “kosher”-this and soy-that (It was just revealed to me that the chicken nuggets were in fact MADE OUT OF SOY…WTF?!?) Anyway, after shopping for some snack food essentials in Target, we waited in line to see the epic premiere of the Dark Night, the new batman flick starring Cristian Bale and the late Heath Ledger. THAT MOVIE WAS FUCKING AWESOME! If you haven’t seen it yet, I suggest you save up and see it (or be like Adam’s dad and use a coupon on top of the AARP card discount—love ya pops).
After getting back WAYYYY past curfew around 2am I was just about to fall asleep in my cabin when I heard a light scratching noise near my bed. I figured out the noise was coming out of my bag and I poked it with my cell phone and it stopped. I knew it was something, so just as I shined my cell phone light on my backpack—all of a sudden a small mouse pops out of my bag and leaps away. I was scared shitless (no lie—you would flip out too if you found a mouse in your bag). I guess it was karma because 2 nights before my campers woke me up at 4am to tell me this and I quote:
Camper: “Adam, I think there’s something in my bag.”
Me: “What do you think it is?”
Camper: “Well, we think it’s either a mouse…or a snake.”
Me: “…just go back to sleep.”
The next morning we found some kid’s bag chewed through and PB&J sando annihilated. I told them in the morning that I would have gone into “counselor mode” and saved the day, but thought to myself that it would be too much work and more importantly, I was REALLY comfortable.
Other than those two crazy instances, all is well here. Only a week and a half left! I will try to upload some pics ASAP so you can see what I’ve been up to.
"That's funny, she doesn't look Drewish."
After getting back WAYYYY past curfew around 2am I was just about to fall asleep in my cabin when I heard a light scratching noise near my bed. I figured out the noise was coming out of my bag and I poked it with my cell phone and it stopped. I knew it was something, so just as I shined my cell phone light on my backpack—all of a sudden a small mouse pops out of my bag and leaps away. I was scared shitless (no lie—you would flip out too if you found a mouse in your bag). I guess it was karma because 2 nights before my campers woke me up at 4am to tell me this and I quote:
Camper: “Adam, I think there’s something in my bag.”
Me: “What do you think it is?”
Camper: “Well, we think it’s either a mouse…or a snake.”
Me: “…just go back to sleep.”
The next morning we found some kid’s bag chewed through and PB&J sando annihilated. I told them in the morning that I would have gone into “counselor mode” and saved the day, but thought to myself that it would be too much work and more importantly, I was REALLY comfortable.
Other than those two crazy instances, all is well here. Only a week and a half left! I will try to upload some pics ASAP so you can see what I’ve been up to.
"That's funny, she doesn't look Drewish."
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