So from now until Friday (which is my last day…Woo hoo!), there is pretty much a 1:1 ratio of campers to staff. This is pretty much easy street. No more scrounging around tables for seconds on crappy food, no more early wake-ups, and no more of that girl that would nag me every 5 minutes with stupid knock, knock jokes. This is truly the life. We have consolidated the cabins from 8 down to 4. It’s cool because a lot of the younger kids who didn’t have me as a counselor before really like having me as one now and it’s easier to get them to do what they’re supposed to be doing.
My friend and I have started this points game for the kids and have pretty much been assigning random amounts of points over the course of the day so hopefully one can be crowned “camper of the session”. Essentially, this is a bogus competition to get the campers excited about stuff and it’s great to see them fight over nothing. It’s awesome.
I kind of regret not updating more often because there are so many funny things that happen during the day that I sometimes (almost all the time) forget.
Tonight is my second night off. After seeing Batman and getting sushi, I really don’t know how I could top that. Here’s what the plan is so far: Get sushi, go bowling, and last but not least, get two UN-KOSHER cheeseburgers and savor every bite. Having kosher meals every day for 2 weeks straight makes you appreciate artery-clogging cholesterol filled fast food or just cheeseburgers for that matter.
Here are some pictures that I have taken…enjoy!