What the fuck?
Anyway, after I visited the one of the two super walmarts in town, I went home to finally pump up my air mattress. I put in my special D batteries that I was told to get for the air pump and Lo and behold it works...for about 20 seconds. After fiddling with it and switching around the batteries for about 15 minutes I got the damn thing to work just long enough so I am essentially sleeping on a hoverboard that occasionally bottoms out. I am so tired from today I could really care less.
On a lighter note, all that are curious, this is what the sign looked like from the Beacon from my post earlier today

Another really cool thing happened today actually, my team, the Casper Ghosts, were actually featured in an article we found in ESPN the magazine and talks about the new sweet logo the team has on all thier merch. I found out that sales for the past 6 months have been better than the past 7 years for the franchise!
Anyway, I am about to pass out on the keyboard and have to wake up early tomorrow to prep for opening night! It should be alot of fun.
For those of you who ARE actually reading my blog, please call, text, email, or comment absolutely anything at all. It is probably the only thing that keeps me writing. Thank you to those who wrote already- it gave me a smile to know that the people I am thinking about while away are thinking about me while I'm away.
I probably wont get a chance to update until maybe saturday or sunday night so hang tight avid readers...You will get your next fix of adamrouman.blogspot.com very shortly.
For now though, ponder this and comment if you feel so compelled:
What would you do for a klondike bar?
do you have to sleep on the air mattress for the rest of summer?!?!
yea, the air mattress will be my bed unless i find a mattress for the price of F-R-E-E. Who is this?
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