Sorry I havent updated in a while loyal readers. It has been a whirlwind of activity here the past 48 hours and I have not had time to give you all the attention you deserve. Part of this is having access to a computer. Since I don't have one here. I steal time off other people's comps and barely scrape by with the three mandatories: Gmail, facebook, and the blog. I dont always have time for a full entry so I will do what I can in the future.
Opening day was kickass! It was fun to just meet some new people and sell sell sell. Some people, though loyal fans, were initially kind of bitter about the logo switch from the Casper Rockies to the Ghosts but they understood that it was for the best. (Check out my facebook mobile uploads for the new logo or go to After everyone was out of the ballpark, the interns including myself cleaned the stadium. The entire god awful stadium. Now, no one can bitch at me for not cleaning up a mess that I made. After now cleaning two nights in a row out of a 6 game homestand, here are some thoughful dedications to "that guy":
-To that guy who bought the extra rediculous size of cola and took one sip, either get a smaller one or drink are the reason my bag leaked on Friday. Shame on you.
-To that guy who bought the minute-maid frozen lemonade and refused to eat more than one bite...please reconsider your decision or give it to me.
-To that guy who somehow manages to get soap everywhere on the bathroom countertops...please, do yourself a favor and just dont wash your hands at all if you can't handle a fucking restroom.
-To that guy who left sunflower seeds out on the deck...yeah, i took em. One of the perks. (For all of you who think this is disgusting, they're only seeds)
That was my rant section.
Last night's game wasn't too bad. We had a smaller crowd and we actually scrapped the music for the night and had a live band playing in between innings and for batter walk-ups. Apparently, they are local stars around here and were actually pretty good for country/rockabilly (buttrock for brian lol).
The coolest part about cleaning the stadium is that after we're done, we all have a beer from the concession stand. Oh, you're thinking,"Adam, what's the big deal? It's just beer" This is not just beer. There are about 8 different beers on tap here: bud, bud light, amber bock, Boo Brew (really pale ale specially made for the Ghosts by Fat Tire in Ft. Collins), Fat Tire, and BLUE MOON (probably the best ever)!!!
This job can be very tiring for me and I really don't know if I am cut out for this for the entire summer. We have nearly 12 hour days or more where over half of that time...I don't even get paid. The state minimum wage is like 5.75 and is getting bumped up a dollar in July (woop-dee-doo). So I am keeping my options open everywhere. I was talking to a guy from Wells Fargo and he said he may hook me up with a job during the day here in Casper. If you know of something that I could/would be good at. Keep an eye out for me.
I know you all want to see lots and lots of pictures. I simply don't have enough time nor do I have access to a way to get the pics from my camera to a computer so I am simply uploading them to my facebook mobile uploads. Every picture that i take will be available there. Look forward to some pictures here. The best ones may be posted in a special ALL ACCESS PICTURE BLOG! Coming soon...
Looking forward to hearing from you all!